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December 17, 2008



Aha! So you have tried vintage Rumeur. I just emailed you about this fragrance, B. I love it too. Exquisite and unique leather, and the most raw animalic base I have yet to experience. Truly gorgeous and worthy of praise....and worthy of a wary respect bordering on awe.


Robin, it is incredibly animalic in the base, and the leather and tobacco are subtle, adding just enough roughness. The perfume now by the same name is 100% different. Sad for anyone who buys it thinking it's this beauty...


My mother wore Rumeur many years ago. She is now almost 92 and I would love to buy her a perfume that smells almost like it! Any ideas?


Valerie, you could get her an original bottle of Rumeur for 30-something dollars! http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40_trksid=p3907.m570.l1313_nkw=vintage+rumeur_sacat=See-All-Categories I got my beautiful bottle of pristine, new-in-the-box vintage Rumeur on eBay. The closest I've come to it is more modern, but alas, also discontinued: Paco Rabanne's La Nuit.


HI check on ebay a ordinal Lanvin Rumeur is for sale


I own an unopened Rumeur by Lanvin bottle in unopened box from World War ll. Any idea where I can sell it or it's value. I also have a letter from the sender stationed in France to someone in the US during the war.

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