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February 18, 2009



I, too am a fanatic for this scent...My Aunt gave it to me in 1977 and I have been s scrooge with it for years!! It was called Calvin as I remember and they also sold solids (sachet is what my gram called it) and I bought that because I could take it with me. EVERY time I wear it my kids tell me how great I smell. Wish I could find the ads for it, too. Still have a little sachet and an ounce bottle I got on Ebay. Wish it would come back!!

Paul Burt

Hi, I am glad to find your site dedicated to classic perfumes.
As this was your "first love", I am hoping you can tell me something about the HUGE bottle I bought recently at a local live auction.
The bottle looks like the one pictured here on your page. It has "Calvin Klein" written on the front in (worn) gold lettering, and a conjoined "HP" mark molded into the bottom of the bottle.
As it measures 6-1/2" H x 6-1/2" W x 3-1/4" D, I was thinking it must be a factice - EXCEPT that it is FULL of perfume!
Do you know anything about such a large size bottle of scent, such as when it was produced, what capacity it has, or anything at all?
Any input would be appreciated... Thanx, Paul

Karen Alexander

where can i get it from ive looked every where

Saler Paul

Available HERE, TODAY: http://www.ebay.com/itm/110884790585

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