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November 20, 2009



Actually Dioressence is not from 1969 but from 1979.


Hi Valerie. Thanks for stopping by. I usually find Basenotes.com the most reliable site when it comes to dates, and they list 1969 as the year of Dioressence's initial launch. As it turns out, that information comes from perfume expert Michael Edwards, who lists the perfume's dates as 1969/1979 in one of his books (probably "Fragrances of the World"), meaning that the relaunch happened in '79.  If you follow this link, you'll see a Basenotes reader added a photo of her bottle, and the style is definitely late 60s, not late 70s. http://www.basenotes.net/threads/259741-How-Old-Is-Dioressence

I think Fragrantica lists 1979 and others have just replicated that, so it's a little confusing.

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