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March 18, 2010



Somehow I never smelled Paris when it was new, despite having been a teenager in the 80's. I didn't shop a lot in those days, not having enough money to and being unwilling to go stare at things I couldn't afford... if I had birthday money, I was at The Limited hoping for a sale. Then, too, for some reason Paris did not catch on with the popular girls at my high school, who were all wearing Giorgio.

The rest of us were wearing Chloe, or Sand & Sable, or Exclamation, so when I did finally smell Paris (reformulated) last year, it smelled familiar. Of course, Exclamation was also composed by Ms. Grojsman, and they share some DNA. Paris is beautiful, of course, if a little loud for my taste. I prefer the springtime flankers, actually, as being less deafening, but I wear my LE Paris Pont des Amours with great pleasure. It does feel like an innocent romance in a bottle, or an enormous bouquet in your arms.


Hi Museinwoodenshoes — Paris wasn't really on my radar at that time either, and I feel as if it should have been. I'm intrigued by Grojsman right now, and need to get a hold of vintage Exclamation!

Unlike you, I loved going and staring at things I couldn't afford! And forget the perfume counters. It's really a wonder anyone around me survived my coming back from the mall with 20 different scents on me.

Holly Gibbin

Does anyone know how to tell if they have original pre- reformulated version of Paris on eBay up for auction?

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