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August 14, 2010



Thanks for the review. Turin doesn't give Creed enough love. I like a few of their scents, and I'll have to try this one.


Hi KJanicki. I am intrigued by Creed's line, and I wonder what their unreformulated fragrances smell like. I reviewed these two non-vintage scents (AC and Angélique Encens) because I wanted to see if I could smell ambergris or see if they were animalic. They are in a wonderful way. Also, have you tried Fleurs de Bulgarie? Wow.

As for Turin, what a great writer and nose, but we all still have particular tastes, and there are very chemical-smelling perfumes he likes that I can't stand, so I'm chalking this one up to taste. There seems to be a great divide between people who like AC and who don't...Curious what you think!


I have a sample of Angelique Encens from TPC...and I find it rapturous. It's elegant, dry, floral, unconventional. Maybe a synthetic ambergris, maybe not???? I don't know, but it's quite stunning. In my top 10. This sounds great too!


That's so great, Cheryl. Glad you love Angélique Encens, too. (You do know they're discontinuing it, right? Stock up!) Please come back and let me know what you think about Ambre Cannelle. I think it's more polarizing, but who knows. Thanks for stopping by!


Now strangely I read Ambre Cannelle was worn by Audrey Hepburn.

But Creed love to tell their fairy stories of who wore what. LOL

Angelique Encens, how could they discontinue it? Olivier Creed I will smack you for that crime.


Hi Donna. I think Audrey Hepburn's perfume was Givenchy's L'Interdit. But who knows really? Yes, it's too bad Angelique Encens is going away...


how does the scent of perfume change.. all i smell is one through scent, not various changing ones... this shit is of the wall!!


I'm not sure I'm following your comment, Bob. What do you mean by, "all i smell is one through scent, not various changing ones"?

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