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December 12, 2010


Gardenfairy Mw

Are you aware that this kind of post triggers me ( old bookseller back then in some year a.D.) to hurry over to Amazon, order this book asap - and install a good French dictionary on this laptop here :-))
For me a Christmas without books (AND perfumes!) is not worth the trouble - so this will be a book for me for sure. THANK you so much for finding it AND writing about it !


You'll love it, Gardenfairy. It's beautiful, educational, and fun. Their other books look great, too...Let me know if you get it!

Anna in Edinburgh

Re: the whiffy paper in the beautiful book - maybe put blotting paper with the appropriate scent in between the relevant pages, building up a scent library to overcome the paper smell, to give you a better experience when browsing? It might make for a positive outcome from a negative situation?

cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh

angie Cox

This sounds wonderful , I will have to use translator too alas . It might be the glue you can smell . Anna's suggestion is a great idea.


Good idea, Anna. I really need to do that because I don't want to associate that beautiful book with chemical smells! And Angela, I think you're right. It's probably glue...

Gardenfairy Mw

Got it got it got it... and it is gorgeous ! I only peeked in, as I will suprise (!!) myself with this book for Xmas. Mine smells good, only lightly from the printing ink ( which is kind of a perfume to me, as I am biblio-maniac) and the typically scent of a hard-glazed (term?) paper binding, so it is totally normal for me. The photos are to die for ! Barbara, if you might like to contact my privately- I have some news and perhaps samples of "old stuff" to share with fellow lovers of the old and yummy stuff :-))
Merry Xmas to all, Martina


So glad you got the book, Martina! I have so much fun reading/translating it. And I'm definitely going to contact you about your news. You've got me curious!

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